Optimize With Queue Management

With a software solution, anything is possible. We explore the ways queue psychology and tech innovations can turn your visitor queue into a business asset.

How Queuing Theory Systems Can Help Improve Customer Experience

How Queuing Theory Systems Can Help Improve Customer Experience

October, 29 2020

Queuing is an essential part of life. For someone camping overnight for the latest iPhone, waiting in line is a thrilling experience. For a family with small children waiting to check-in for their flight, it’s a mind-numbing nightmare. Whether we like it or not, we...

6 Reasons DMV's are using Online Appointment Systems

6 Reasons DMV's are using Online Appointment Systems

October, 9 2020

For those who have just turned 16 years of age, what could possibly be more exciting than getting your driver's license? You take all the necessary courses. You put in the practice hours with mom and dad. Finally, you’re ready to take your road test. As you walk into...

Say No To Standing In Que! Reduce Wait Times At Line Queue

Say No To Standing In Que! Reduce Wait Times At Line Queue

October, 7 2020

Let’s face it. Waiting in line is the worst. Even during a global pandemic, lines are everywhere you go. People are still lining up in front of the DMV, the grocery store, patiently waiting. It’s a waste of time that takes up space and benefits no one. Everything about...

In The Queue - How Valuing Your Customer’s Time Leads to Success

In The Queue - How Valuing Your Customer’s Time Leads to Success

September, 28 2020

Take the time to stop and think about all of the major annoyances in life. Smudged glasses lenses, spilling coffee on a freshly dry cleaned suit jacket, or even people who constantly interrupt you while you’re trying to make a point.

Why Your Customers Hate Waiting In Line & How To Fix It

Why Your Customers Hate Waiting In Line & How To Fix It

September, 21 2020

The saying goes ‘good things come to those who wait’. But it’s a widely accepted truth that no one likes waiting. There are few things people hate more than waiting in line. In fact, we can think of 10 reasons your customers hate waiting in line.

Queue Management Systems: A Step-by-Step Guide | Skiplino

Queue Management Systems: A Step-by-Step Guide | Skiplino

September, 11 2020

Whether it’s renewing your license or waiting for a Big Mac at McDonald’s, there is almost nothing worse than waiting in a long lineup. Most people have places to be. Busy lives to attend to. Why would they want to spend a half-hour or even more waiting in line?

13 Benefits of Virtual Queue Systems

13 Benefits of Virtual Queue Systems

September, 9 2020

Everyone hates waiting in a queue. That’s not just a generalization - it's psychology. Clever businesses know this and find the latest ways to minimize wait times for customers to create a more positive experience.

Best Way To Improve Customer Experience: Give Customers Back Their Time.

Best Way To Improve Customer Experience: Give Customers Back Their Time.

May, 6 2019

What do customers hate the most? Not getting any response or attention from service providers.

Why Customers Should Never Wait In Lines Ever, Again!

Why Customers Should Never Wait In Lines Ever, Again!

May, 4 2018

Walk into a bank and you would find queues. Walk into a service center or even an Apple store and you would find customers waiting. In this age, nobody likes waiting which is essentially wasting time. But companies seldom have a strategy that can do away with queues....

5 Reason Why You Should Go Paperless And Stop Printing Queuing Tickets

5 Reason Why You Should Go Paperless And Stop Printing Queuing Tickets

July, 21 2016

Companies around the world are going paperless. Ledgers and balance sheets are now digital. Filing returns and paying taxes have become convenient online. Virtual reporting is much easier than paper trails. Soft copies of literature are portable, user friendly and much...